I'm not one for PSAs but this hit the spot.

This UK PSA shows British Boys What Rape Looks Like. This spot was based on the shocking research that revealed that a majority of British teenagers have no idea what constitutes rape and more generally don't understand the limits of aggressive sexual behavior. On the other hand, women need the self-confidence to say no to unwanted sexual pressure. According to the Telegraph, research suggests that "33 per cent of teenage girls and 16 per cent of boys … have experienced some form of sexual violence from a boyfriend or girlfriend," so the concern is more than warranted.

I believe this ad. to be effective. It is short and too the point and doesn't bog the viewer down with too much information. Just the plain fact here. On a different note, it has been known that advertisements are less restricted within the EU. This poses a concern, when considering how this spot would be altered for the U.S. audience? and if so would be be more or less effective.

I would believe a similar number of sex and relationship violence occurs in the states, if not more. But, is this ad. transferable? (there's just too many sissy uptight parents here in my opinion.)

Blogger Copyranter states "Place it in the 'commercials that would probably never air in the USA' folder." It really is a shame. Because instead we get ads like these


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