Social Media has truly created an altered universe where one can, in an instant, connect with long lost friends from grade school or relatives across the globe. It has redefined much of what was considered seamless five years ago and left companies scrabbling to develop new policies and methods of attack. In detail, the press, geo-political revolutions and  the advertising industry are left fighting to stay ahead of the curve and adapt to the rapidly changing internet world.It is no wonder that along with it's utility is has also reaped many difficulties. One main contribution has been "the range of content that we produce has been vastly expanded, and so has the definition of what constitutes marketing."Alongside this it has created a new skill set that is heavily in demand, that of the social media manager. But, one has to wonder has the true purpose of social media eluded us. In our capitalizing on the variety of opportunities that sites like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube have offered, have we created a monster?

In its most basic form these sites were based in communication and providing a venue for people to communicate with one another. Yet, thinking about it now seems like the corporate has taken over. Social Media gave those without the power of major brands to get their words, advice, opinions, and products out there with little to no cost. In all, "the early influence of social media also meant that politicians, public figures and corporations could no longer stage-manage their images and reputations through exclusive channels that they controlled." Today, the sites are flooded and over-populated with individuals trying to self-promote. It is getting harder and harder for any one person to standout while the BIG BRANDS are getting the spotlight. In all, "Somewhere along the way, the established media channels reclaimed their power at the top of the pyramid." They have control of social media. These sites have gotten increasingly more commercial.


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