Remember Ted Williams, the man with the golden voice? Well KRAFT has developed a heartarming endeavor featuring Mr. Williams. This Valentine's Day all you Tweeters should know that you could have Ted read out your Valentine's Tweet with his magestic voice if you type #voiceoflove at the end of whatever you'd like him to say. And it gets better as with every Tweet he receives, KRAFT will donate 100 boxes of Mac & Cheese to Feeding America.

Now I'm not sure how well Mr. William's voice qualitfies as a voice of love? In my opinoin, not romantic in any sense. Like com' on when he reads that sample Tweet, didn't really do it for me. Hit and miss, but I see what your trying to do KRAFT. It is a great cause, and having Ted Williams, a homeless man who hit it big representing the cause is a great mix. But in all, this just goes to show how integrated social media has become into marketing. 

Other brands have been utilizing Twitter in such a way too. The integration of social media into a campaign shows how to build-up fun and excitement around a brand through providing an additional venue for consumers to interact with it instead of just making purchases. For instance, Heineken launched a similar endeavor where consumers can 'serenade' a date online. In detail, this Valentine's Day, Heineken is giving consumers the chance to personalizee video-serenades to send out to their Facebook friends. Recently, Heineken's social media monitoring revealed that the campaign is creating positive discussion amongst its target market, young adult males and women alike.  All in all the integration os social media encourages fans to make links with the brand, while also driving consumer-to-consumer engagement around the brand. Great stuff!

In the end, I think im gunna embarras my Boo with a Heineken Serenade =]!
Check it out. IT IS HILARIOUS! (


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